Computer program for analysis of the hemodynamic response to head-up tilt test

Aim of this work was to create the computer program written in MATLAB environment, which enables the visualization and analysis of hemodynamic parameters which were recorded during the passive tilt test using CNS Task Force Monitor System. The application was created to help in assessment of the relationship between selected cardiac variables and their dynamics to estimate the risk of orthostatic syncope.
The program allows analysis of the following signals: R-R intervals (RRI), heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (sBP), diastolic blood pressure (dBP), mean blood pressure (mBP), stroke volume (SV), stroke index (SI), cardiac output (CO), cardiac index (CI), total peripheral resistance (TPR), total peripheral resistance index (TPRI), left ventricular ejection time (LVET) and thoracic fluid content (TFC).
Program enables to visualize waveforms for selected parameter and perform its smoothing with the selected by operator moving average parameters. It allows to construct the graph of means for any range and construct Poincare plot for the selected time range. The program automatically determines the average value of the parameter before tilt, minimum and maximum value immediately upon changing the position and the time of their occurrence. Is possible to correct manually the automatically detected points. For the RR interval is determined the acceleration index (AI) and the brake index (BI). It is possible to save calculated values to the file in XLS format with the name specified by user.
The application has user-friendly graphical interface, it is possible start it on a computer that has no MATLAB software installed.

Author: Eliza Świątek
Conference: Title