WILGA 2016 SPIE The Best Student Presentation Awards:
- The First award - Mikolaj Sowinski, "Optogenetic control system SW and algorithms"
- The Second award - Kuba Jarosinski "Implantable device for optogenetics"
- The Third award - Paweł Linczuk, "Algorithm for fast event parameters estimation on GEM acquired data"

WILGA 2015 SPIE The Best Student Presentation Awards:
- The First award - Alicja Puścian, "Automation - towards thorough and efficient behavioral research in neuroscience"
- The Second award - Rafał Selma "Comparison of absolute and relative air humidity sensors fabricated with inkjet printing technology"
- The Third award - Mikołaj Sowiński, "TDOA navigation system – receiver hardware"

WILGA 2014 SPIE The Best Student Presentation Awards:
Jury of the contest in the following composition:
Committee Chairman Daniel Paczesny, committee members: Maciej Linczuk, Grzegorz Tarapata, Krzysztof Pozniak, Grzegorz Kasprowicz decided on the following awards:
- The First place went to the presentation of "Multichannel camera with 10 GbE interface", by Piotr Zdunek, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology.
- The Second place went to the presentation: "Analysis of selected methods for the recovery of encrypted WEP key", by Sebastian Wojtowicz from Kielce University of Technology.
- The Third place went to the presentation: "On accuracy of holographic shape measurement method with spherical wave illumination", by Marta Mikula, Faculty of Mechatronics, Warsaw University of Technology.

WILGA 2011 SPIE-EUCARD The Best Student Presentation Awards:
The Winners are:
1. award not conceded
2. Tomasz Janicki, Radosław Cieszewski: FPGA mezzanine card DSP module,
3. Krzysztof Sielewicz: Intelligent thermal imaging camera with network interface.

WILGA 2010 SPIE-PSP The Best Student Presentation Awards:
The Winners are:
Ph.D.students –
1. Grzegorz Kasprowicz,
2. Piotr Makowski,
3. ex aequo Katarzyna Ławniczuk and Konrad Futera;

M.Sc. students –
1. Piotr Obroślak,
2. Piotr Florczyk,
3.Anna Manerowska,
4. Piotr Więckowski,
5. Agnieszka Zagoździńska

Wilga 2009:

  • First award for Łukasz Koniusz, for presentation titled: Integration of Astronomical Telescope and Weather Stadion with „PI of the sky” experiments astronomical System
  • Second award for Agnieszka Zagoździńska, for presentation titled: Parametrization of the components described in VHDL
  • Third award for Łukasz Dymanowski, Kamil Lewandowski, for presentation titled: Universal platform for high speed Digital Signal Processing
  • Fourth award, Paweł Drabik, for presentation titled: Komponent Internal Interface – Framework
  • Fifth award, ex equo: Stefan Korolczuk, for presentation titled: Radiation Results of the SEE Test of Xilinx XC3S400 FPGA Instances and Michał Bohdanowicz, for presentation titled:
    Multichannel Acquisition System with Photomultiplier Detectors

Wilga 2008:

  • First award for Aleksandra Czapla, Wydzial Fizyki PW, Long period fiber gratings with liquid crystals
  • Second award for Andrzej Cichocki, PERG/ELHEP ISE, Astronomous power supply controller for MXGS
  • Thirs award for Krzysztof Iwaszczuk, Wydzial Fizyki PW, Plane wave method for photonic liquid crystal modeling