Wilga Village
The organizers are not responsible for accommodation and catering for the participants. The facility provides over 200 accommodation places (including approx. 100 places in houses with bathroom and a shower) thus there are usually no problems regarding this matter. However participants are requested to contact the resort representatives regarding the reservations.
Usually the organizers are planning to set off on Monday morning (first day of conference) to Wilga from WEITI PW (near the car park) in several groups. There are usually spare places in cars. We encourage you to go with us.
The journey from Warsaw to Wilga by bus takes about 50 minutes. The cost of a single adult ticket is about 10 PLN.
External link 1 - official site of WUT-WILGA Resort Center
External link 2 - information about the WILGA WUT Resort Center
External link 3 - Map with marked route from Warsaw to Wilga (GIF)
Information brochure about Wilga resort (in Polish)
First page
Second page
GPS: N51.83012,E21.40555
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