Information technology for creation of semantic structure of educational materials

The article considers the information model of semantic structure of informational education material and the
corresponding information technology for creation of semantic structure of educational materials. The formal
representation of the semantic structure of such informational education materials includes the set of headings, the set of
terms, the set of words and the set of relations. The set of relations includes elements of the semantic structure of the
informational education materials, which determine the presence and character of relations between other elements of the
semantic structure of the informational education materials. The set of relations include relations between headings,
relations between headings and key terms, relations between key terms and words. This information model is the formal
representation of semantic structure of informational education material of the course of discipline, and in the given form
it allows to use it as the model for implementation of the corresponding information technology. The established
effectiveness of the proposed technology allows use it to solution a number of urgent tasks, such as semantic assistance
in creating tests, determination the conformity of educational materials to content requirements, determination the
conformity of sets of test tasks to educational materials, etc.
Keywords: Times Roman, image area, acronyms, references

Author: Olexander V. Barmak
Conference: Title