Mathematical and computer modeling of political elections with a change in the number of electoral subjects

The research object of this paper is the study of the election process, within the inter-election period, in the case of
the transformation of bipartisan (the ruling party and one opposition party) into three-party elections (ruling and two
opposition parties) and a forecast of the election results is made. Some special cases are studied, exact analytical
solutions are obtained. For computer modeling of the process of transformation of elections from bipartisan into threeparty,
in general, the model coefficients are taken as variable time functions. Also, the process of the appearance of a
new party in the period between two elections is considered after 400, 800 and 1200 days from the date of the previous
elections. To analyze the results obtained, the case T1 = 400 days is taken.
Keywords: two-party, three-party, elections, variable coefficients, analytical solutions, computer modeling

Author: Temur Chilachava
Conference: Title