Modeling and Simulation of 4H-SiC Field Effect Transistor

Silicon carbide is a wide-bandgap material, attractive for high temperature, high frequency and high power devices. SiC technology is more difficult and more expensive than Si technology. This paper presents the technological issue of silicon carbide MOSFET design. Through the use of simulations of silicon carbide transistor, the influence of the different the technological parameters was studied.
Numerical simulations of semiconductor devices are used in order to save time and minimalize costs. MOSFET transistor was performed in Silvaco TCAD using technology elaborated at Lublin University of Technology. The most important parameters related to ion implantation, which was used in p-i-n photodiode technology. The electrical simulations were performed, transfer and output characteristics for different values of technological parameters were generated – impact of gate oxide thickness on threshold voltage and impact of canal length modulation were checked. The results of simulations as well as transfer and output characteristics allowed to select optimal parameters between expected device working and available technology – gate oxide thickness and transistor canal length were established.
Aleksandra Pedryc
Agnieszka Martychowiec
Andrzej Kociubinski

Author: Aleksandra Pedryc
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