Preparation, Properties and Applications of Carbon-based Nanomaterials

Preparation, Properties and Applications of Carbon-based Nanomaterials
Andrzej Huczko
Department of Chemistry, Warsaw University, Pasteura 1, 02-093 Warsaw
Laboratory of Nanomaterials Physics and Chemistry,
Corresponding author: ahuczko (at)

Different carbon-based nanomaterials can be produced via ‘bottom-up’ route. Under high-energy conditions (plasma and combustion synthesis activation) different precursors are volatilized and the controlled condensation results in the formation of sought products. Thus, we present the production, characterization and prospect applications of the following carbon-related species: (i) carbon nanotubes and carbon encapsulates; (ii) layered graphite; and (iii) silicon carbide nanowires. Optical spectroscopy and photo registration of the processes help to better understand the formation path way.

Author: prof. dr hab. A.Huczko
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