Effect of momentum resolution correction on pion-kaon femtoscopy

Correlation femtoscopy allows one to study space-time structure and dynamics of strongly interacting nuclear matter created in high energy collisions. Two-particle correlations at small relative momentum use quantum statistics and final state interactions. From non-identical particle correlations one can obtain information about asymmetry in emission process between two kinds of particles. Such asymmetry can deliver information about which type of particles are emitted earlier and/or closer to the center of the source. One of the detector effects affecting the measured functions is the momentum resolution. It has an impact on the correlation functions for low relative momenta. This effect should be taken into account as the part systematic uncertainties.

Theoretical studies, based on Therminator 2 model, on effect of momentum resolution correction on non-identical particle correlation functions at Beam Energy Scan energies will be reported.

Author: Paweł Szymański
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