Logic correctness of control algorithms for mechatronic discrete systems with parallel processes

Systems, consisted of fixed quantity of operating devices and actuators, were considered in case of determined functional
algorithm. It’s shown, for binary description of system’s state, including variability of transition states, can be applied a
given memory criterion. Memory zero-values correspond to undetermined operating logic of a system. Whenever states,
when memory equal to zero, pointing on process stage, where unregistered information was appeared. The design
procedure of the relative memory calculation is shown. The construction of the process structure and functional graph is
represented by the example of the assemble technology of a pneumatic cylinder. It is shown that the use of reduced
memory allows reducing the laboriousness of logical synthesis of systems and control algorithms for parallel processes,
as compared with Petri nets and cyclograms.
Keywords: system, branched process, closed-loop process, logic, actuator

Author: Oksana S. Hanpantsurova
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