Automated system for student programming tasks evaluation

Many courses in scientific fields require students not just to write code, but to also visualize their data, formulate mathematical formula or write a paragraph interpreting their results. The Jupyter notebook provides platform for creating assignments that include all of these content types, due to its interactive document format that combines together code, images and math formulas (generated via Latex). Instructors can provide students with notebooks hosted at web server that include tasks description, coding exercises and written responses space all in the same place. Students can write and execute code in these notebooks directly via webbrowser without worrying about inconvenient software components installation at their local machine. This paper presents both strengths and limitations of Jupyter notebooks as an educational or evaluation tool and how they can be used most effectively. As an example we present how Jupyter notebook servers is used at currently taught courses at division of Television at Warsaw University of Technology.

Keywords: teaching software, jupyter, python programming

Authors: Rafał Protasiuk

Session name: "Algorithms for Image Processing and Analysis" chaired by prof. Władysław Skarbek
2018-06-04 Monday, 11-13

Author: Rafał Protasiuk
Conference: Title