The influence of disturbance level in available bandwidth on the value of control qlty indicators in congested computer network

Packet traffic flows consist of many streams characterized by its own attributes, like direction vector, payload volume or delays. Moreover, these parameters are constantly changing, with dependence on time step. Different traffic stream may pass, partly or completely, through common and separate nodes. That illustrates the complexity of forming models from the perspective of mathematical simulation. This paper discusses a few congestion avoidance control strategies in a single communication channel with the use of a non-stationary, discrete, dynamical model. Presented control strategies are focused on congestion avoidance by controlling the number of packets accumulated in egress queue of the distinguished congested node. That approach can help in avoiding undesirable bottleneck effects, like packet dropping, high packet transfer latency, retransmissions and low network throughput.

Author: Slawomir Grzyb
Conference: Title